Saturday 27 September 2014

French Week with Ruma 13

Last week of Term 3, Richmond Road School celebrated their French week. Our topic was inventions and the cinema. Ruma 13 learned  about the contribution of French inventors in the history of photography and cinema (Daguerre, Les Frères Lumières, Méliès). Students created their own camera obscuras and shared this old invention (IVth century BC is the oldest record) with other visiting senior classes.  This was a hands on experience to understand how, when light goes through a small hole (like our in our eye) the image created is upside down. It is our brain which puts the image back up.

Here Emilie is helping to maintain total darkness so Ruma 3 students can experience the effect of the camera obscura.

Lili and Oceane got their visitor to sit for more stability and comfort: great organisational skills, well done girls!!

On Wednesday, the whole school was invited to dress up as a movie character. Ruma 13 shared their favourite French movies with other students. We added a bit of a visual 'tongue in cheek' pun on French stereotypes by getting most of Ruma 13 to wear the moustache!

Alice D cutest Célestine!

Alice S fantastic outfit in a minion of Despicable Me (french animation) !

The finest Moustache Club: Nauatea and Ava!

La classe inspecteur Cédric!

 Who would have thought girls could wear the moustache so well? La ravissante Ciel!

Même moustachue, Emilie est toujours aussi jolie!

 Emmanuel, quel naturel!!

 Juliette: quelle merveilleuse Stroumpfette!

 Un clown qui n'est jamais triste: Lili

  Louis a les moustaches qu'il faut pour devenir dompteur de tigre!

 Louis G, un nouveau Tintin a moustache!

 Ce jour, la, le Petit Prince (alias Luca) a demandé à Axelle: 'dessine moi des moustaches....'

Molly, la plus mignonne des souris!

Océane, une très jolie vampire!

 Ollie et Luca ont presenté 'Le Petit Nicolas' devant toute l' école: Bravo les garçons!

La moustache de Raf semble lui avoir brouillé le cerveau!!

Un autre ravissant chaton: Sophia!

Avec son compère Max, Tristan était le guide pour les visiteurs de la Camera obscura installée dans la cuisine. L'image projetée sur un grand drap blanc était en couleur, les arbres et les toits étaient tout à l'envers: fascinant! 

 Zvee en Popeye, ça paye!! Il avait même sa fameuse boite d'épinard avec lui!!

 Les enfants attendent avec impatience l'annonce de la classe gagnante du grand concours de déguisement: suspens ....

La superbe Palme d'or créée par Pauline!

The winning classroom Ruma 10 with Axelle (as the assistant of Méliès, Pauline as Marcel Marceau and Miss Hayley as Scoobidoo) !

by Axelle

Monday 1 September 2014

Au revoir Julien !

Notre stagiaire Julien est reparti mardi dernier en France pour continuer ses études et devenir professeur un jour. Peut-etre qu'il viendra enseigner a Richmond Road School !
Pour son départ, nous avons organisé un grand gouter avec pleins de surprises (chansons, cadeaux etc...). Un grand merci aux enfants de la section Maori qui sont venus faire un haka d'adieu très émouvant dans notre classe.
Julien va beaucoup nous manquer, heureusement, il nous laisse sa célèbre guitare et notre belle chanson de l'Archipel et nous gardons Pauline avec nous pour nous aider !


What is PB4L ? It is "Positive Behaviour 4 Learning (for Learning)". We have to use it in our everyday life at school.

A peer mediator (yellow shirt) helping the little ones to share their ball.

How does it work ? We have to show a positive behaviour at school by solving the conflicts by ourselves, helping each other, sharing our balls and create a better atmosphere inside the school !

Anita helping Nauatea during our drama play project.

PB4L is for example about solving problems and sharing the ball with children from other ropu. Well done Luca, you make us proud!

The Mind Lab

Yesterday (and last week), we visited the Mind Lab in Grafton. It's a special place where designers work and create objects that will look prettier and will be easier to use than the ones we use.
We learnt how to create a box, a chair and even our classroom on a software called 
We had a lot of fun and it will help us to redesign our classroom for the end of the term !

Bottom to top : Ollie, Zvee, Louis G, Alice, Lili, Molly, Ciel, Emilie, Te-Atarangi, Rafael, Oceane, Loane and Sophie (the mouse hat !). The others kids are from Ruma 12. The other half of the classroom was not here because they already visited it last year.